Sunday, November 11, 2007

Raid the Hammer Adventure Run

I ran a 10 km adventure run today (a little more than 10 km I think) near Hamilton, the Raid the Hammer hosted by Golden Horseshoe Orienteers.

The main event was 25 km but I ran with two pretty quick juniors (14 and 16) to make up at junior team, and we were first to finish on the 10 km beating the seniors that entered. 1hr 44mins 03 secs.
Golden Horseshoe Orienteering Club, 2007

It was a navigational event on a 1:20000 custom map, with contour removal in places to hide some steep river valleys that had to be crossed out of the start and into the finish. I was doing most of the navigating and messed the first checkpoint but we made up time and were the 2nd team to checkpoint 2, with the leaders being on the 25 km course that branched off at number 4.

The 10 km was more aimed at people new to orienteering/adventure running (Britain take note, call orienteering events adventure runs and randoms turn up!) so didn't include the Matrix score elements or the follow the line from 4 to 6, and didn't have the second 1:10000 contours only map featuring E=mc² (effort = mud x climb x climb). Considering the age of my team-mates I was pretty impressed, the last part in big river valleys was tough going.

It is the sort of race that I think could work well near University at home and I might try to put on sometime. Connect up a lot of parks and have sprint sections connected by trail sections.

And I went LaserQuest-ing yesterday for a birthday party, and came second :)
It was fun.

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